When you say nothing at all….

The dreaded P has affected my speech and this performance made be howl with laughter. Who cares if you don’t speak the same as everyone else – they just need to pay more attention πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚


Lesson 1 : So you’re different…

So BE different. You speak quietly, attract attention a different way. In the company of people who know you, you can agree a signal – tap a glass, wave a finger, if you have the courage do something more flamboyant. Its unusual, but those who know and love you will be forgiving!

Lesson 2: Enjoy listening…

What is silence? It’s a golden opportunity to listen and learn. There is a great book about listening in order to understand people, and in understanding them, be better at pitching things you want in ways that motivate them to help. Kind of useful !!! You can see it on my Top Ten books list.

Lesson 3: BE LOUD…

cheerful young woman screaming into megaphone
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

LVST is voice training that teaches you to be LOUD πŸ“£ πŸ“£ πŸ“£

Well… in your head you are loud, but actually to everyone else it sounds like normal volume. Its most peculiar… but effective!

I thought LVST stood for Loud Voice Speech Therapy but I was wrong. It stands for Lee Silverman Voice Treatment, named after a woman living with Parkinsons after 25 years of development – initially with people with hearing impairment and communication issues.

There are links to LVST LOUD training on my Top Ten Tips – if you scroll through my Top Ten Lists