To the Max !!

Max Lugavere is a normal guy who was worried about his (not old) mother.

He sought medical help when he noticed her suffering from dementia type slips of the mind. He could get no sense from the doctors.

What did he do?

He started to research how he could help his mother at an early stage of mental decline when the medics weren’t interested. He found out, as I have, how important food and lifestyle is to brain health.

He has now turned out to be a hugely respected media entrepreneur with a massive following, particularly with podcasts on issues related to brain health. His first book, which is called Genius Foods, ( I have read twice! ) became a bestseller.

A cook book called Genius Kitchen followed. Click on the image below, or HERE, for a link to Amazon for the cook book.

He was years ahead of me, but what he found out, and how he lives and eats, are the same as me. I found out when I lost weight early in the pandemic to reduce my risk of dying of Covid if I caught it, and found my new diet helped with my Parkinson’s symptoms, my mood and my mental alertness.

The original Genius Foods book is a great read, but this summary is a perfect short form which summarises key research and how to make lifestyle and diet choices to help reduce various risk factors. Click on the image above, or HERE to hear it narrated, or to download a free copy.

I wish I’d written it !!


My top takeaways from the book are:

  1. He confirms what all the modern experts are saying that ‘high cholesterol is not a threat’. Don’t give up the eggs!
  2. “Sleep is a weapon” in the word of my younger daughter who is trying to persuading me to take a daytime kip
  3. He confirms that DHA and EPA are the most important  omega3 supplements. Roughly 60% of the brain is made up of these two fats so for cognitive ability you don’t have to look any further. I’ve been taking these for c.40 years ever since Ian Botham recommended them to me at a lunch in Langans restaurant. ……NB. its never too late to start these!!

So good people let’s keep the eye on the ball – keep sugar to a minimum so you can control inflammation and insulin in your body and you’ll likely live to be 100.

My review is:

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Dicky Evans