These Feet Are Made for Walking

On my birthday I mentioned a revolutionary new spinal implant because it can help Parkinson’s sufferers walk properly again. While that might be a “quick fix” this guy, John Pepper, shows what’s possible in reversing Parkinson’s symptoms by regular commitment to exercise.

He is a Parkinson’ sufferer who has used a walking routine to halt and then reverse the decline in his health. Here is his story and his results from Conscious Walking.

Training Conscious Walking

“My name is John Pepper, and I have successfully managed my Parkinson’s disease, to the point where I no longer need to take any medication. It has now been over ten years since I last took any Parkinson’s disease medication. I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in 1992, I managed to reverse Parkinson’s disease and I stopped taking Parkinson’s medication in 2003.”

John’s physical and mental condition improved so much that other people had no clue that he still had Parkinson’s disease. He even had to convince a leading research scientist and author, that he had Parkinson’s disease in 1992.

“How has the improvement in my Parkinson’s symptoms changed my life?

  • I can now WALK, without shuffling!
  • I can now bring a GLASS to my mouth, without spilling it!
  • I can now SWALLOW FOODwithout choking!
  • I no longer DRIBBLE!
  • I can now SPEAK, without slurring my words.
  • I can now DRAW A STRAIGHT LINE, without any squiggles!


I can now SMILE, with the same old facial expression I had, before the Parkinson’s disease took over my life!

It all started with conscious walking, and moved onto other conscious movements to improve how I lived my life.”

So, I am committed now to improving my walking, building it up a little every day. My ambition, to be back playing golf. See you at the 18th !!

These Boots …

All this talk of walking reminded me of a great song, and this post is a reason to enjoy it all over again.