The Best Birthday Present Ever…

Today, 17th November, I turn 78 years old.

Thanks to everyone who has sent birthday greetings, I enjoy them all!


Here is a world first. A lucky guy called Marc Gauthier has received the first ever spinal implant to help Parkinson’s patients walk properly again.

Anyone who knows me will recognise the Parkinson’s freeze and shuffled walking in the video below when Marc tries to get out of a lift.

Here’s a 15 second clip of Marc before and after his implant.


See the news on this from Associated Press

Marc was diagnosed with Parkinson’s over 25 years ago. His walking and coordination has, like mine, worsened over time.

In 2021, Swiss doctors implanted a device in his spine to see if electrical currents could help stimulate muscles in the limbs. The results were published earlier this month, over two years later, and are miraculous.

These doctors want to start a new trial in 2024 with six new patients. I want to be on that list – I dont know how – but I am working on it.

Basically, I need to live to be 100 to ensure I can take advantage of this type of technology, and even a fundamental cure for the disease.

Everything I’m doing with diet, exercise, sleep and the other lifestyle factors in my control, I am changing for the better to slow my Parkinsons progression and increase my life expectancy.

And yes, a spinal implant would be one heck of a birthday present!

Interested to know more?

Interested in Marc’s life story, or the Science in more detail. Take a look at the El Pais Science article below.