SLEEP 😴 The first of 12 ways for YOU to prevent dementia Dementia is a massive fear for me. The Parkinsons is bad enough and research has shown there is an increased risk of dementia in Parkinsons patients. ⛔️ NOT ME ⛔️ I’m doing everything I can to keep this awful disease from my door,…
Is this the Silver Bullet?
Is B1 the answer to help with Parkinsons? Ageing… on the 1st January 2023 the World Health Organisation officially signed off “Ageing” as a disease. Long overdue. Just think about it. Cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular problems, Parkinsons Disease and Alzheimers Disease to name but a few, are afflictions that affect us as we grow older. How…
Lets Get Serious…About Parkinsons & Dementia…
Precision Medicine leaps forward A randomised control trial published in the Journal of Alzheimers Disease (JAD) this year, 2022, in the UK looked at people with early stage dementia. Twenty-five patients with dementia or mild cognitive impairment were evaluated for a number of underlying issues including things such as inflammation, infection or vascular disease. Each…
Stem Cells, the British and Democracy
Can stem cells be engineered to cure Parkinsons? A Cambridge Uni neuroscientist says “We now know that putting dopamine cells in the brain will work and the procedure is safe” See this article Radical new therapy for Parkinson’s will use stem cell transplants which gives me huge confidence that I will live to be able…
The Best Reach 100
Happy 100th Birthday Nondescripts Rugby Club The Nondies have been part of my life for half a century. Also now part of my children’s and grandchildren’s lives. As they reach their own Century milestone, while I’m still working on mine! they celebrated in style. A very special thank you to Crista Cullen and Simon Shaw,…
Medical Evidence – what’s out there?
… and why the photo of “Beefy”, Ian, Lord Botham? Read on… Living with a degenerative disease is no fun. So it’s no wonder that I have spent a lot of time investigating ways through traditional medicine and modern therapies to cure my disease or reduce my symptoms. Also… I’m an engineer by training, so…
The Big Yin at 80
Happy 80th Birthday Sir Billy Connolly. Born in Glasgow in 1942, Sir Billy’s career as a comedian, actor and musician spans more than five decades. He was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease a year after me, in 2013. He retired from live stand-up in 2018 but has continued to make tv programmes. In a fitting tribute…
Clint Eastwood – still driving …
Clint Eastwood is still working in his 90s. This backs up my conviction that keeping working keeps you going. It exercises your brain, it gives you purpose, it surrounds you with people. Clint Eastwood was born in 1930 – and here he is looking fit and continuing to make films. Judi Dench – another one for…
Gifts for Grandparents
… and treats for yourself ! As the festive season approaches are you scratching your head for inspiration for gifts for grandparents or other older people in your lives? To help with ideas I have put together some recommendations which you can find on “Gifts for Grandparents” or to find something for yourself, see Dicky’s…
The words of Jimmy Choi. Take a look at this guy – would you have ANY IDEA he has had Parkinsons for 15 years? What would you do? Jimmy Choi’s response to his Parkinsons diagnosis took some time, he ignored it, he stopped moving and he got fat… but once he got started… !!! No-one,…