Alzheimer’s or “Type 3 Diabetes”

As a result of the advancement of my Parkinson’s, I am doing everything I can to prevent the other big neurological horror which is perhaps looming and that is Alzheimer’s Disease.

A few facts…

  • A staggering 80% of people with Alzheimer’s Disease have insulin resistance or full-blown type 2 diabetes.
  • The connection between insulin resistance and Alzheimer’s Disease is now so firmly established that scientists have started referring to Alzheimer’s Disease as “Type 3 Diabetes”

In which case, say some very respected medics, preventing Alzheimer’s could be easier than we think. In this respect Dr Dale Bredesen has been working with Alzheimers patients for decades.

He is part of a team which has recently published results in the Journal of Alzheimers Disease (Aug 22) of a trial in which 84% of participants showed a REVERSAL OF COGNITIVE DECLINE !!


This was a small trial to determine whether a precision medicine approach to Alzheimer’s disease is effective enough to warrant a larger, randomized, controlled clinical trial.

In my view the results definitely warrant more work.

Dr Bredesen talks about this in the very first minute of this interview. Its a long interview, I include a shorter version at the end, but over 200,000 people have watched this one, and like me, I hope been inspired to live a life designed to prevent Alzheimers.

There is no “Silver Bullet”. The combination of factors – Type 2 Diabetes being one of them, Oxygen saturation , sleep, stress and inflammation being others – mean that prevention is a balance of lifestyle factors you can affect to mitigate those you can’t.

Adding things that reduce your risk

  • olive oil, sunlight, sleep

Reducing things that increase your risk

  • sugar, stress, inflammation including really day to day infections like gum disease

The above book (available here on Amazon) was published a while ago and has been followed up by another in which there are moving narratives, from survivors of Alzheimer’s – with amazing stories of hope told in their own words. See below (also available here on Amazon)

For a shorter interview with Dr Bredesen see this one, which has been viewed 1.5m times !!

I hope this helps.

I find it helpful to feel in control of my destiny as much as I can, given I am fighting the dreaded P.

All the best,
