Medical Evidence – what’s out there?

… and why the photo of “Beefy”, Ian, Lord Botham? Read on…

Living with a degenerative disease is no fun. So it’s no wonder that I have spent a lot of time investigating ways through traditional medicine and modern therapies to cure my disease or reduce my symptoms.

Also… I’m an engineer by training, so I want to know every detail, test every claim, see the evidence.

What I’ve learnt so far, from numerous books, research papers and lectures I want to offer as short cuts for you to help with long, well and happy living.

My TOP short cut, my NUMBER ONE suggestion, is to check out the story of a doctor who did his Yale thesis on evolution, became a leading cardiologist who performed over 10,000 heart surgeries, and then met a patient who reduced by 50% the plaque in his coronary arteries, making a seemingly inoperable heart condition operable. How? … by an unconventional diet.

He is not an expensive private consultant, at least not to me. He is a surgeon, scientist and author who bases his theories on medical experience and a growing body of evidence, and who was willing to be “out there” talking about food as beneficial, or as toxic, when that was far from mainstream.

Through a mounting evidence base, the traditional medical community has shifted considerably towards him in recent years. But not all. I offer you BOTH views today.

An intro to Dr Steven Gundry

Rather a sensational video headline – the interview is very balanced. Check out the comments below the video on YouTube if you’re not sure.



Or click on the fantastic lectin-free chocolate cake below

Quick and Easy version

Total Restore

This is my go to product for improving my gut biome, available from Gundry’s online shop

Richard Shepherd CBE and the Lord Botham link.

Devastated to hear of the death of my old friend, Richard Shepherd, last week. There are a number of good obituaries including this one by The Times.

Richard Shepherd CBE, owner of the world famous Langan’s Brasserie, near the Ritz, introduced me to Ian Botham over a lunch with them both, at least 25 years ago now!

Ian, now Lord Botham, is a legendary cricketer and commentator known as Beefy, who raised over £30m for charity from his long walks.

He was taking DHA and recommended it to me as a good way to “feed the brain” which is made up in large parts of DHA – the Omega 3 chemical. The benefits of Omega 3 oil are well known, and this supplement makes sure that my DHA levels are good regardless of my diet.