Hello and Welcome

Dicky’s Diary

What’s going on that can help YOU live longer and happier despite the challenges of growing older.

Some days better than others, but WE FIGHT ON.

👊 🥳 😎

First Up…

This is my first post and I’ll leave it here so new followers know where it all began. Fighting my Parkinsons, avoiding Dementia, Living to be 100 Years Old!!

Regular followers… Get on down to the later posts and catch up with me there.

Each of these posts will give a snapshot of life’s JOYS 🥳 and MISERIES 😢 I want to give you hope and help, but be honest about the struggle.

I started this to share what helps me and how I get past what doesn’t. Its personal.

I am Dicky Evans and my world imploded 💥 12 years ago when I received a life sentence…


It felt like the death of my life as I knew it…

I was a successful businessman, a faithful husband and father, a proud sportsman. I was diagnosed with Parkinsons. This a nice name for a hideous and incurable disease shared by around ten million people worldwide.

Maybe by you …

On this website I am sharing lists of the things that inspire me to live longer and happier. See my TOP 10 lists. I hope they help you too.

FOLLOW me to find out how I’m living longer and happier, top tips, activities, products and services that have helped me.

“Clint Eastwood is my inspiration”

Song credit: Toby Keith

See you soon – keep living well and happy 👍