How to Celebrate Watamu Style !!

Watamu Staff Surprise !!

The fates had conspired to make it impossible for my wife or any of my kids to be with me on my Birthday. They all called and sent presents but still I was on my own. So what did the fantastic Hemingways staff do…

They appeared at my door singing and dancing and carrying a Birthday Cake.

How fantastic is that??

Here they are… so that you can enjoy it too !! Made my day !!!

A Happy Sunday on the Boat

Then that weekend, my old mate and skipper of years, Ali, came with his crew and took me fishing. There wasn’t much around, the wind had changed and that affects where the fish come and go. However I did land a rare Rainbow Runner, a few Falusi and a 25lb Tuna. Had a huge amount of fun and very grateful to everyone for giving me such a good day.

Check out the 30s highlights below.