The Easter Bunny has rather more bounce in its legs than I do after more than a decade of Parkinson’s but I can hold my own in other ways!

Cell Renewal

Easter is about renewal, and my focus in the last 3 years has been on exactly that. Cell renewal. Looking to stave off the cell degeneration of aging in both brain and body so that I can live to be 100 years old.

My focus is on strengthening my mitochondrial cells, the great energy givers of the body. This is something sports people know, and they manage their diet, exercise and rest to build strong mitochondria. I try to do this as well, not terribly successful.

Research into the power of a healthy digestive system to strengthen your mitochondria started years ago but was often dismissed as “alternative”. This research has ramped up in recent years among established medics and academics like Dr Stephen Gundry and Professor Tim Specter. This now validates the importance of a healthy gut and digestive system to maintain a healthy brain and body.

Alongside eating gut-health supporting foods, there is a rising interest in how and when you eat and drink, with intermittent fasting growing in popularity. This may be about weight loss which, if it brings you into a sensible weight range, is good for your health anyway. It can reduce your the risks of diabetes and heart disease and ease stress.

All of which is great until you throw a major family party or holiday into the mix. Easter involves hot cross buns and plenty of chocolate eggs. Sugar and wheat are both deemed bad boys in this mitochondria boosting lifestyle, so finding fantastic tasting alternatives is a passion of mine. The photo above is of a Keto friendly recipe which you can find here or by clicking on the photo.

Same for the “cream eggs” above, recipe here, or click on the image.

You can also ensure you are getting essential vitamins and minerals through high grade supplements.

B1 Thiamine

I shared this with your recently so just a quick reminder that this helps with hangovers. Just in case your Easter celebrations are a little too liquid. B1 supplements are easy to find on Amazon – see here – or on the high street.


Finally, get enough sleep !! I have a tracker on my Oura Ring, many of you will have similar on exercise trackers or digital watches. Its holiday time so spend a few extra hours in bed as part of your healthy regime. You can find various sleep friendly devices on an old update of mine and in Dicky’s Duka here.