Working to turn back the clock on degenerative diseases of aging
Thank you
I am truly grateful to everyone who has followed me and contacted me privately to say how much my story means to them and their family. You have spoken of how much life and fun I am having, despite age and “the big P” and that you have got strength and hope from that. That…
Find me on Twitter
I’m of the generation where we used pens, paper, envelopes, stamps and postboxes. I’m pretty tech-savvy, a “silver surfer”, but social media is a whole new game. I have a new Twitter account. I’ll start to share my updates on these and be pleased to “meet” you there.
Bittersweet moments
I’ve always been “Pops” to my kids, well except when I’m in the dog house, then there’s a choice selection of epithets 😂 How does family deal with the diagnosis, development and difficulties of disease, be it Parkinsons or anything degenerative? Mine are enormously supportive, but also sad, fearful and occasionally suffocating* As time rolled…
Live Long & Prosper
I didn’t start making an effort until many years into my Parkinsons, I was in denial. When I did, I set about changing three things: D – DIET E – ENTERTAINMENT W – WORK My DEW points. I decided that if I was going to Live to be 100 Years Old – with Parkinsons, and…
Hello and Welcome
First Up… This is my first post and I’ll leave it here so new followers know where it all began. Fighting my Parkinsons, avoiding Dementia, Living to be 100 Years Old!! Regular followers… Get on down to the later posts and catch up with me there. Each of these posts will give a snapshot of…