Brain Gym


Number 2 in these 12 tips to prevent dementia is “regularly challenge the brain”

I do this by staying in touch with many different but current organisations that need planning, research, development and decision making. I’m lucky enough to have a life full of such things !!! Maybe TOO full 🤯

For others, particularly if you have retired, “walking the dog twice a day is not enough of a mental challenge” as someone said to me recently – albeit great for the spirit and stress relief 👍

box with brain inscription on head of anonymous woman
Photo by SHVETS production on

This is where charities and advisory roles can be brilliant. You have expertise and experience , you may need additional income, or you may be able to offer your help voluntarily.

Or, now is the time to be bold and start a new business, or start a new education challenge. Why not study a subject that has always fascinated you but you didn’t have the time for it.

How about learning to play the guitar or the piano, or take up singing…

No need to torture your family, here are some simple foldable keyboards which take headphones so nobody can hear you except you!

Or your own Karaoke machine – that’s every party sorted forever!

My personal favourite… and of course you can always pretend you bought if for the grandkids…

Ferrari Lego !!!

You’ve got to check out the video on the Daytona SP3 HERE

So, stay mentally challenged, get your sleep and I’ll be back next week with top tip number three for reducing your dementia risk. While having a good time on the way!