The King and I

On Tuesday 9th July 2024 His Majesty King Charles III placed his knighting sword on my shoulders in the magnificent surroundings of Windsor Castle.

It was an emotional moment, for me and for my family. As I was in my wheelchair, The King was kind enough to step down from his dias to place the badge of the Order of St Michael and St George on a ribbon around my neck, and the Star of the Order onto my lapel.

He then spent several minutes talking to talk to me about about my life, this award and how I am dealing with Parkinsons, something that he clearly knew about.

We knew King Charles was in residence as we drove up the Long Walk as we could see the Royal Standard with its three gold lions flying at the top of the flagpole.

We drove right into the central courtyard, a special privilege. We were met by a great friend of mine who is a regular visitor at the Castle. We travelled through multiple rooms, all extraordinarily decorated and filled with art, sculpture and regalia. In a succession of grand rooms other honour recipients were waiting in order of precedence, around 100 in all.

We arrived at the Garter Throne Room which houses a throne and is richly decorated with the coats of arms of members of the Order of the Garter. We were then taken by the Officers on Duty into where the investiture would happen and given impeccable (and amusing) instructions for what would happen and what we had to do.

We then went back into the Garter Throne Room and waited in order as The Countess of Wessex’s String Orchestra started playing a selection of ancient and modern music. I was third in line after two very important Dames (very definitely not Panto!!), one an important academic, and the other a legend of music, Dame Shirley Bassey!

There were two people receiving Knighthoods that day, but I was the only one in the Order of St Michael and St George. This is a 200 year old order of chivalry that recognises those who have contributed “services to the Crown overseas”.

When it came to my turn I entered the investiture Chamber and my name was called, along with the honour that I was receiving, and the reason for this: “for services to Business, to Sport and to Charity”. My family were led along “the pink line on the carpet” to stand and watch behind me.

King Charles III uses the same sword that his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, used for knighting ceremonies. This dates back to the reign of King Charles II and is the Sword of State, part of the Crown Jewels. Yes, the King genuinely does place it on each of your shoulders. I have a video of this which you can see here:

The official proceedings concluded, we moved to another equally grand room where we had some photos taken as a family, and then onto a special treat very kindly arranged for us.

We went for a private visit with the Dean of Windsor Castle to visit St George’s Chapel, and the tomb of Queen Elizabeth II. It was another very moving moment as the Dean offered two prayers, to Her Majesty for her rest, and another, a personal blessing for me.

The day was rounded off with a fabulous lunch with my family and some lifelong friends in Chelsea, still in my Morning Suit, still proudly wearing a Flamingo red rose button hole from one of my original farms in Kenya, but the official regalia back in its box.

Once again I have to thank everyone who has been a part of this award over the years, particularly my wife and children who gave up hours, days, months and years with me as I worked long hours and travelled extensively; so too the very great colleagues, many of whom are now lifelong friends, who made our companies, clubs and charities such successes. This award is for you all.

6 responses to “The King and I”

  1. Julia and Mike Nunn Avatar
    Julia and Mike Nunn

    A wonderful achievement and a great recollection of your day. A very proud event for your whole family.
    Our very best wishes
    From Julia and Mike NUNN
    (Cadgwith Singers at the Mennaye)

    1. sally pettipher Avatar
      sally pettipher


  2. Hocking Avatar

    Sir Dicky Evans – I nicknamed you this years again in gratitude and respect for the loyalty and immense generosity you’ve given to the Cornish Pirates and Rugby and the recognition it allows Cornwall. Your birthplace 🖤💛🖤
    My sincerest best wishes for your health and well-being remains for you and your family.
    Oll an gwella ~Onnen hag oll
    Barbara Hocking (Barbs)

  3. David Gona kadzeha Avatar
    David Gona kadzeha

    Congratulations Sir Dicky Evans

  4. Kenya Nairobi Avatar
    Kenya Nairobi

    Congratulations. Live long. You have touched many lives

  5. Kenya Nairobi Avatar
    Kenya Nairobi

    Congratulations. Live long. You have touched many lives