Tag: neurodegenerative diseases

  • To the Max !!

    To the Max !!

    Max Lugavere is a normal guy who was worried about his (not old) mother. He sought medical help when he noticed her suffering from dementia type slips of the mind. He could get no sense from the doctors. What did he do? He started to research how he could help his mother at an early…

  • ⚡️Breaking News ⚡️

    ⚡️Breaking News ⚡️

    UK Government and Love of the Game announce new concussion guidelines Rugby legend Simon Shaw, heads up the campaign to avert the dangers of concussion in sport. See his interview in The Times. Simon’s charity Love of the Game (LOTG) works with Government, Medics and researchers to find ways to prevent immediate and long term…

  • “Eat, Move, Sleep, Smile”

    “Eat, Move, Sleep, Smile”

    Dr William Li’s summary of how to live 20 years longer. Yes TWENTY years longer. Well into your 90’s in really vibrant health. William W. Li, MD, is an internationally renowned Harvard-trained medical doctor, researcher, and president and a founder of the Angiogenesis Foundation. His groundbreaking work has impacted more than seventy diseases including cancer,…

  • Bloody Worth It !

    Bloody Worth It !

    Four more of the 12 ways to reduce dementia basically come down to what you eat and how that affects your BLOOD and vascular system. Professor Jonathan Schott, chief medical officer at Alzheimer’s Research UK, said that only 30% of people know they can take action to reduce the risk of dementia in later life.…

  • A Potent Cocktail

    A Potent Cocktail

    Tips 3 and 4 👍 … I have mentioned before that you need mental challenge – at number 2 in these 12 tips to prevent dementia. Tip 3 is “look after your mental well being” and Tip 4 is “stay socially active” I see these as contributing to each other. Rather than just individual mental challenge…

  • Brain Gym

    Brain Gym

    Number 2 in these 12 tips to prevent dementia is “regularly challenge the brain” I do this by staying in touch with many different but current organisations that need planning, research, development and decision making. I’m lucky enough to have a life full of such things !!! Maybe TOO full 🤯 For others, particularly if…

  • Is this the Silver Bullet?

    Is this the Silver Bullet?

    Is B1 the answer to help with Parkinsons? Ageing… on the 1st January 2023 the World Health Organisation officially signed off “Ageing” as a disease. Long overdue. Just think about it. Cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular problems, Parkinsons Disease and Alzheimers Disease to name but a few, are afflictions that affect us as we grow older. How…

  • Lets Get Serious…About Parkinsons & Dementia…

    Lets Get Serious…About Parkinsons & Dementia…

    Precision Medicine leaps forward A randomised control trial published in the Journal of Alzheimers Disease (JAD) this year, 2022, in the UK looked at people with early stage dementia. Twenty-five patients with dementia or mild cognitive impairment were evaluated for a number of underlying issues including things such as inflammation, infection or vascular disease. Each…

  • Stem Cells, the British and Democracy

    Stem Cells, the British and Democracy

    Can stem cells be engineered to cure Parkinsons? A Cambridge Uni neuroscientist says “We now know that putting dopamine cells in the brain will work and the procedure is safe” See this article Radical new therapy for Parkinson’s will use stem cell transplants which gives me huge confidence that I will live to be able…