Tag: Dickys Diary

  • These Feet Are Made for Walking

    These Feet Are Made for Walking

    On my birthday I mentioned a revolutionary new spinal implant because it can help Parkinson’s sufferers walk properly again. While that might be a “quick fix” this guy, John Pepper, shows what’s possible in reversing Parkinson’s symptoms by regular commitment to exercise. He is a Parkinson’ sufferer who has used a walking routine to halt…

  • The Best Birthday Present Ever…

    The Best Birthday Present Ever…

    Today, 17th November, I turn 78 years old. Thanks to everyone who has sent birthday greetings, I enjoy them all! BUT THIS IS WHY I NEED TO LIVE TO BE 100… Here is a world first. A lucky guy called Marc Gauthier has received the first ever spinal implant to help Parkinson’s patients walk properly…

  • Floyd Steadman OBE – an inspiration

    Floyd Steadman OBE – an inspiration

    Floyd Steadman blazed his own trail in 1980s rugby. A black scrum-half at a time when that was considered unusual, he became captain of Saracens and a key player for one of the sport’s traditional powerhouses. But before he even set eyes on a rugby ball, Floyd had overcome – and continued to overcome –…

  • To the Max !!

    To the Max !!

    Max Lugavere is a normal guy who was worried about his (not old) mother. He sought medical help when he noticed her suffering from dementia type slips of the mind. He could get no sense from the doctors. What did he do? He started to research how he could help his mother at an early…

  • ⚡️Breaking News ⚡️

    ⚡️Breaking News ⚡️

    UK Government and Love of the Game announce new concussion guidelines Rugby legend Simon Shaw, heads up the campaign to avert the dangers of concussion in sport. See his interview in The Times. Simon’s charity Love of the Game (LOTG) works with Government, Medics and researchers to find ways to prevent immediate and long term…

  • “Eat, Move, Sleep, Smile”

    “Eat, Move, Sleep, Smile”

    Dr William Li’s summary of how to live 20 years longer. Yes TWENTY years longer. Well into your 90’s in really vibrant health. William W. Li, MD, is an internationally renowned Harvard-trained medical doctor, researcher, and president and a founder of the Angiogenesis Foundation. His groundbreaking work has impacted more than seventy diseases including cancer,…



    The Easter Bunny has rather more bounce in its legs than I do after more than a decade of Parkinson’s but I can hold my own in other ways! Cell Renewal Easter is about renewal, and my focus in the last 3 years has been on exactly that. Cell renewal. Looking to stave off the…

  • Hangover cure may be Parkinson’s Miracle

    Hangover cure may be Parkinson’s Miracle

    For those that don’t know her, I’ll introduce you to Sally one day. She has just arrived in Kenya, and as good as it is to see her, what I wanted first was to empty the contents of her suitcase. She has been my mule 😂 transporting high dose Vitamin B1 Thiamine capsules from the…

  • A Potent Cocktail

    A Potent Cocktail

    Tips 3 and 4 👍 … I have mentioned before that you need mental challenge – at number 2 in these 12 tips to prevent dementia. Tip 3 is “look after your mental well being” and Tip 4 is “stay socially active” I see these as contributing to each other. Rather than just individual mental challenge…

  • Brain Gym

    Brain Gym

    Number 2 in these 12 tips to prevent dementia is “regularly challenge the brain” I do this by staying in touch with many different but current organisations that need planning, research, development and decision making. I’m lucky enough to have a life full of such things !!! Maybe TOO full 🤯 For others, particularly if…