Category: posts



    The Easter Bunny has rather more bounce in its legs than I do after more than a decade of Parkinson’s but I can hold my own in other ways! Cell Renewal Easter is about renewal, and my focus in the last 3 years has been on exactly that. Cell renewal. Looking to stave off the…

  • Bloody Worth It !

    Bloody Worth It !

    Four more of the 12 ways to reduce dementia basically come down to what you eat and how that affects your BLOOD and vascular system. Professor Jonathan Schott, chief medical officer at Alzheimer’s Research UK, said that only 30% of people know they can take action to reduce the risk of dementia in later life.…

  • NEVER STOP !!!!!

    NEVER STOP !!!!!

    Year Seven – Done! I set myself the challenge at the age of 70 of catching a marlin a year until I’m 80. Now 77, here is my seventh successful year!!! Nothing should hold you back. Yes I was exhausted, but I was exhilarated and lived a year in a day. Grab life while you…



    If you have hearing loss, you have a greater chance of developing dementia, according to a 2020 Lancet commission report that lists hearing loss as one of the top risk factors for dementia. Hearing loss doesn’t just mean you need to turn up the TV. It means take it seriously, get tested and if you need hearing aids,…

  • Hangover cure may be Parkinson’s Miracle

    Hangover cure may be Parkinson’s Miracle

    For those that don’t know her, I’ll introduce you to Sally one day. She has just arrived in Kenya, and as good as it is to see her, what I wanted first was to empty the contents of her suitcase. She has been my mule 😂 transporting high dose Vitamin B1 Thiamine capsules from the…

  • A Potent Cocktail

    A Potent Cocktail

    Tips 3 and 4 👍 … I have mentioned before that you need mental challenge – at number 2 in these 12 tips to prevent dementia. Tip 3 is “look after your mental well being” and Tip 4 is “stay socially active” I see these as contributing to each other. Rather than just individual mental challenge…

  • Brain Gym

    Brain Gym

    Number 2 in these 12 tips to prevent dementia is “regularly challenge the brain” I do this by staying in touch with many different but current organisations that need planning, research, development and decision making. I’m lucky enough to have a life full of such things !!! Maybe TOO full 🤯 For others, particularly if…

  • Jon Snow – Are you stalking me? 😂

    Jon Snow – Are you stalking me? 😂

    Episode 1 Jon begins his Odyssey on the Greek Island of Ikaria where locals live 10 years longer than the European average. Jon Snow does his own investigation into living well to 100 years old Check out the sailing with an 87 year old doctor in episode 1. Just needs a decent fishing line 🎣…

  • 💤 SLEEP 😴

    💤 SLEEP 😴

    SLEEP 😴 The first of 12 ways for YOU to prevent dementia Dementia is a massive fear for me. The Parkinsons is bad enough and research has shown there is an increased risk of dementia in Parkinsons patients. ⛔️ NOT ME ⛔️ I’m doing everything I can to keep this awful disease from my door,…

  • Is this the Silver Bullet?

    Is this the Silver Bullet?

    Is B1 the answer to help with Parkinsons? Ageing… on the 1st January 2023 the World Health Organisation officially signed off “Ageing” as a disease. Long overdue. Just think about it. Cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular problems, Parkinsons Disease and Alzheimers Disease to name but a few, are afflictions that affect us as we grow older. How…