Amazon Associate

Yes, hard to believe that at 76 I am intent on becoming an influencer – watch out Kim Kardashian.

I am pleased that all I have gone through since my Parkinsons diagnosis, the mental and physical lows, the battle with medication, the new positivity through research and action to improve my life and the results of focussing on diet, exercise and a work-life balance, can help others to living a long and happy life WITH Parkinsons and staving off other unwelcome degenerative diseases including Dementia

Work to live

Part of my formula for Living to be 100 Years Old is to carry on working, to stave off boredom, maintain focus and purpose, and ensure financial independence in retirement. I am luckier than most because of the success of my first two businesses, but others may NEED to carry on earning money.


Support others less fortunate than myself

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases of products that are bought on my recommendation, such as through links on this site.

An example is the Audible service below. If you don’t have it already, I am a great fan. It is a subscription service but then you get loads of value from it, much more that the cost of the number of books I get through. Kindle is also possible and I have links to both below. Happy Listening!!